by Ceci Spehar | Aug 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
Maisha Meds Venture: Maisha Meds is a technology enabled healthcare company with the goal of improving access to affordable and high-quality medicines. Project: Develop best-in-class customer support to drive product uptake. Expert: Adam Van Cleeff, VP of Customer...
by Ceci Spehar | Aug 4, 2021 | Uncategorized
Kasha Venture: Kasha helps women in East Africa access necessary life-saving contraceptives and other sexual health products. Using Kasha’s mobile commerce platform, women can order and pay for contraceptives, menstrual care products, and other items they need and...
by Ceci Spehar | Aug 4, 2021 | Uncategorized
IDinsight Venture: IDinsight is a global advisory, data analytics, and research organization that helps development leaders maximize their social impact. They tailor a wide range of data and evidence tools, including randomized evaluations and machine learning, to...
by Ceci Spehar | Aug 4, 2021 | Uncategorized
Vote Run Lead Venture: Vote Run Lead (VRL) trains women to run for office and win, providing free education resources from their Run As You Are (RAYA) curriculum. VRL encourages women to build campaigns based on their personal beliefs and values in order to serve...
by Ceci Spehar | Aug 4, 2021 | Uncategorized
ARMMAN Venture: ARMMAN improves health outcomes for families in India by training health workers and improving information access for pregnant women and mothers. Project: Create a positioning strategy that increases global brand awareness. Expert:...