Venture: Street Business School
Street Business School (SBS) is an entrepreneurship program that helps women living in deep poverty gain the confidence and skills to open micro businesses and increase their economic self-sufficiency.

Expert: Felicia Bermudez Haggarty
Director of Demand Generation, Nightfall AI

SBS partnered with Rippleworks to create a go-to-market strategy for large NGOs and multilateral organizations.

SBS partners with more than 250 organizations that work with women living in deep poverty in 34 countries around the globe. Using a “train the trainers” model, these organizations are the direct implementers of SBS trainings. The program is uniquely tailored to meet the needs of women who may not have finished primary school. In their fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023) SBS graduates achieved a 128% average increase in income ($0.95/day to $2.19/day) with 80% of graduates operating at least one business as measured 12-18 months after graduation.

One of SBS’ top priorities going into the project was increasing their earned revenue to 20% over the next 3 years.

SBS partnered with Felicia Bermudez Haggarty, an accomplished marketing executive with 18+ years of expertise in B2B SaaS marketing. Together, they:

• Created a Sales Playbook that will help the team for years to come to professionalize their sales function, collaborate more with marketing, and strengthen their business model.

• Designed a methodology for testing, gathering feedback, and iterating.

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