Venture: One Acre Fund
One Acre Fund works toward a world where all farmers have big harvests and healthy families.
Expert: Raymond Cheng
• VP & Head of Marketing, Convene
• VP of Marketing, Contently
One Acre Fund partnered with Rippleworks to design and launch marketing activities to hire top African executives
One Acre Fund gets smallholder farmers what they need—training, seeds, fertilizer, credit, and access to markets—to grow their way out of poverty and hunger. One Acre Fund was founded in 2006 and currently serves more than 1 million farm families in Eastern and Southern Africa.
One Acre Fund’s top priority was growing employer brand awareness and brand affinity to attract top African talent to their senior positions. One Acre Fund partnered with Rippleworks to design a three-month marketing campaign for priority roles in Kenya, and develop processes to scale across other roles and markets.

This project helped us build out a more sophisticated digital marketing function.
While the partnership initially focused on our employer brand, we are now applying what we learned to other key audiences like farmers and funders.
—One Acre Fund Senior Director of Global Communications Liz Vidyarthi
One Acre Fund partnered with Rippleworks Expert Raymond Cheng, a leading marketing executive and Vice President of Marketing at companies including Convene, Contently, and Sailthru. Together, they:
• Identified the attributes of promising potential candidates for key roles and built corresponding personas
• Developed custom content (including digital) to attract promising candidates
• Designed and launched an employee brand ambassador program
• Designed and launched a three-month marketing campaign
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