Venture: Lwala
Lwala seeks to transform the Kenyan health system (starting in Migori county) so that professionalized community health workers (CHWs) reach every household and health facilities provide high-quality care informed by their communities.

Expert: Margriet Glazenborg
Staff Director, MSF, Operational Center Amsterdam

Lwala partnered with Rippleworks to define the new organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities to enable Lwala to scale its operations and team.

Lwala aims to revolutionize healthcare in Kenya by empowering communities to lead the charge. Lwala believes that when given the necessary opportunities and support, locally-developed solutions can significantly decrease maternal and infant mortality, enhance child health, reduce gender disparities, and ensure health for everyone. Lwala partners closely with communities throughout this transformative journey.

One of Lwala’s top priorities going into the project was redesigning their organizational structure to support a growing focus on national and county-level government technical assistance and advocacy.

Lwala partnered with Margriet Glazenborg, an established NGO professional who has taken on many roles in the impact space across project management and product management.Together, they:

• Developed a new org structure.

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