Venture: Labhya Foundation
Labhya Foundation creates and implements programs that improve the quality of education and well-being for the most vulnerable children in India.

Expert: Elena Izakson
Interim CMO & Managing Partner, Global ERP

Labhya Foundation partnered with Rippleworks to develop key messaging and engagement strategies to expand its US funder base.

Founded in 2017, Labhya Foundation makes quality education accessible to the most vulnerable children in India. Partnering with the government, Labhya creates and implements an inclusive and culturally-relevant curriculum for public school children in grades K-8. Labhya’s goal is to impact at least 30M children by 2030.

One of Labhya’s top priorities going into this project was growing and diversifying their US philanthropic funder base.

Labhya Foundation partnered with Elena Izakson, a marketing leader with expertise in rebranding across a diverse set of industries. Together, they:

• Defined customer segments.

• Revised Labhya’s value proposition and key messaging.

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