Venture: Imagine Worldwide
Imagine Worldwide empowers children around the globe to build the literacy and numeracy skills needed to achieve their full potential.

Expert: Amy Louv
Founder, Azul Business Consulting

Imagine Worldwide partnered with Rippleworks to manage external technical partners and advisors for maximum benefit.

More than 250 million children and youth do not have access to school. Hundreds of millions more go to school but never learn to read or write. Imagine Worldwide addresses these challenges through child-directed, tech-enabled learning. Their model enables students to build foundational literacy and numeracy skills in-school or remotely by using high-quality software on a portable tablet device that is charged by solar power.

One of Imagine Worldwide’s top priorities going into this project was managing external partners for maximum benefit.

Imagine Worldwide partnered with Amy Louv, an experienced business leader with experience in technical operations. Together, they:

• Learned valuable IT vendor management tips, and how to design, communicate, track, and test vendor’s work for quality.

• Developed strategies to engage with each member of their Tech Board of Advisors to maximize impact.

• Built a solid process and R&Rs for upcoming vendor contracts.

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