Venture: Digital Green
Digital Green helps smallholder farmers increase their yields and incomes with mobile and in-person training.
Expert: Saurin Shah
Chief Product Officer at Feather
• VP, Product, Rue La La
• VP Product and Sr. Director, Care.com
Digital Green partnered with Rippleworks to improve the way they design and innovate products
Digital Green produces and distributes in-person training and mobile content that help smallholder farmers learn agricultural best practices, which increase their yields and incomes. Digital Green’s suite of products utilize advances in smartphone technology, cheap data plans, and personalized information to enhance the effectiveness of existing government agricultural extension services.
Digital Green’s top priority was improving their hybrid extension model (delivering in-person and mobile training) to match the effectiveness of traditional, in-person only extension service models. Digital Green partnered with Rippleworks to improve the way they design and innovate products.

Digital Green now has a systematic way to approach product design and innovation. Taking a step back to define our assumptions and decision-making was critical for our project with Rippleworks.
Our team has already translated those learnings and processes much beyond the original scope. This has been hugely transformative for us as an organization and will have a long-lasting impact among the farming communities that we serve.
—Digital Green co-founder and CEO Rikin Gandhi
Digital Green partnered with Rippleworks Expert Saurin Shah, a product leader who built teams and products from idea to scale at Feather, Rent the Runway, Rue La La, Sift, Care.com, and Digital Chocolate. Together they:
• Learned how to brainstorm and prioritize hypotheses, design experiments, and measure success
• Implemented an experiment to support Digital Green’s in-person model with WhatsApp
• Built an experimentation playbook for Digital Green to implement experiments internally
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