Venture: Babban Gona
Babban Gona strives to end food insecurity by providing cost-effective end-to-end services to smallholder farmers.
Expert: Wiley Wang
Machine Intelligence Engineer at June
• Research Engineer, Ditto.com
• Sr. Software Engineer, Neon Labs
Babban Gona serves small networks of smallholder farmers by offering Nigeria’s youth attractive prospects for a viable income to help prevent the spread of food insecurity. Babban Gona increases each farmer’s yield and income by 2.3 times the national average, and has already worked with 280,000 rural Nigerians to secure access to healthy food—with plans to reach one million farmers by 2025.
Babban Gona’s top priority was better leveraging cutting-edge technology to determine field health. Babban Gona partnered with Rippleworks to build and launch a mobile app to track seed germination rate, one of the best indicators for crop yields, using machine learning and image processing technologies.
Babban Gona worked with Rippleworks Expert Wiley Wang, a Machine Intelligence Engineer at June, Ditto.com, and Neon Labs. Together, they:
• Developed a mobile app for field representatives to capture field data from farm visits, using computer vision and machine learning to predict yield and risk per farm and across the portfolio
• Developed a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) to accurately determine germination rate
• Launched app in beta for 260 field reps
• Designed solution for soil health and weed detection
• Developed best practices to design, develop, and test machine learning apps
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