Venture: Amani Global Works
Investment: $1.5M grant
Portfolio: Scaling Capital
Investment date: August 2022
Region(s) served: Sub-Saharan Africa
Sector: Healthcare
Core Impact Metric: Reduction in child mortality
Unrestricted grant funding to support Amani as they expand in partnership with the government
Amani Global Works is scaling a low-cost template for primary healthcare in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Amani works in remote and high-conflict areas where people are significantly underserved and there is an enormous need for proactive community care. Amani recruits, trains, pays, and supervises a network of Community Health Workers (CHWs) who visit households and provide doorstep care. These CHWs are linked to the government’s existing healthcare system through a strong referral network.
Why Rippleworks Invested:
Amani has already decreased under-five mortality by 30% and increased the use of modern contraception by 8x in the areas it works. Amani is at a critical inflection point and needs significantly more capital to continue to deliver its strong impact as it expands to new provinces. Amani has the potential to be a template for more proximate and community-owned healthcare in some of the world’s most challenging regions.