Leaders Studio FAQs

Who can participate?

Leaders from organizations in the Rippleworks portfolio are eligible. The single learning sessions are open to all leaders who apply. Multi-week learning programs are limited to leaders whose expressed learning needs are most aligned with the program content. Your application is an opportunity to explore and share how this program aligns with your learning goals. We may reach out to learn more. 

Should I participate?

Ask yourself: is the program aligned with my learning goals? Can I commit to participating in all scheduled sessions? Am I willing to practice what I learn? If yes, absolutely!

How can I stay tuned to upcoming learning opportunities?

Subscribe to Leaders Studio’s mailing list, and you will receive updates quarterly. 

What is the time commitment?

We kindly ask leaders to attend all listed 2-hour Zoom sessions and allocate an additional 1-2 hours per week to continue their practice and apply learnings. 

When should I apply?

We encourage you to submit your application as early as possible. 

How many programs can I apply to?

We encourage leaders to consider their personal capacity in making this decision.

What can I expect?

Sessions are highly interactive. We’ll ask you to reflect, engage in polls and other activities, discuss in small groups, come off mute, and ask questions or share ideas. This isn’t something you can do while driving, making dinner, or watching TV! If your environment and connection allows, we ask you to join over video for your and your peers’ best possible experience.

As a part of the cohort agreement, we encourage you to: Ask questions. Be open. Suspend judgment. Try new things. Make an effort to get to know your peers. If you’re lucky, other participants will be a resource even after a program is over!

How much do programs cost?

We offer all programs free of charge.