Solutions for Our Climate

Solutions for Our Climate

Solutions for Our Climate Venture: Solutions for Our Climate (SFOC)  is a nonprofit organization led by legal, economic, financial, and environmental experts working toward a society that protects people from the dangers of climate change. Project: SFOC partnered with...
Imagine Worldwide

Imagine Worldwide

Imagine Worldwide Venture: Imagine Worldwide empowers children around the globe to build the literacy and numeracy skills needed to achieve their full potential. Project: Imagine Worldwide partnered with Rippleworks to manage external technical partners and advisors...
EOS International

EOS International

EOS International Venture: EOS International is a nonprofit social enterprise that leverages market-based solutions to provide rural families in Central America with access to safe water and opportunities to generate income through simple technology solutions and...
Forest Carbon

Forest Carbon

Forest Carbon Venture: Forest Carbon restores degraded tropical forests and wetland ecosystems. Project: Define Forest Carbon’s new organizational structure to scale its team and impact. Expert: Matt Di Paola, Sr. Director of Marketing & Communications,...
Springboard Collaborative

Springboard Collaborative

ARMMAN Venture: ARMMAN improves health outcomes for families in India by training health workers and improving information access for pregnant women and mothers. Project: Create a positioning strategy that increases global brand awareness. Expert: Stephany Zoo, CMO,...


ARMMAN Venture: ARMMAN improves health outcomes for families in India by training health workers and improving information access for pregnant women and mothers. Project: Create a positioning strategy that increases global brand awareness. Expert: Stephany Zoo, CMO,...